National Adoption Awareness Month 2017

National Adoption Awareness Month 2017

The first of November marks the beginning of National Adoption Month... but why should you care?

Why I Started Looking For My Birth Parents

Why I Started Looking For My Birth Parents

My birth parents had always just been this vague concept... But it was in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve that I realized there were two very real people out there somewhere who gave me life.

Breaking the Ice on International Waters

Breaking the Ice on International Waters

One day, we were standing on the upper deck sipping boat drinks and inhaling the ocean breeze.  My biological dad and I were choking back emotion as we talked about this second chance we were given to know one another.

A Birth Family Reunion at a Funeral

A Birth Family Reunion at a Funeral

It hadn’t really occurred to me that a funeral would bring about the chance to meet my biological aunts, uncles, cousins and grandfather for the first time...  Not only would I be mourning... I would be making a first impression on the rest of my birth mother’s family.  

Two Words That Changed Everything

Two Words That Changed Everything

I got out my laptop and sat on a barstool in my kitchen, browsing Facebook and practicing the best self-control I could.  I have a little brother.  I typed in his name and a profile appeared of a teenager from my hometown.  Not just from my hometown, but from my high school.  I clicked on his page, and my jaw dropped

The Introduction Part 3: Meeting My Biological Dad

The Introduction Part 3: Meeting My Biological Dad

My biological dad looked eerily similar to the way he looked in a dream I had as a child.  He was tall with whispy strawberry blonde hair.  His skin had a pink tint to it.  He wore dark wash jeans that fit him well, with a light blue button down shirt and flip-flops. 



Why a natural birth?  I wanted to experience childbirth as it's been experienced for ages.  I wanted the freedom to labor where and how I wanted to.  I wanted a drug-free baby.  I wanted to see what I was capable of.  I wanted to prove everyone wrong that said I wouldn't be able to do it.