National Adoption Awareness Month 2017
Why Adoption on Social Media Bothers Me
Have you ever searched for the word “adoption” on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter? I’d be willing to bet that most of the content you saw was about animal adoption.
5 Ways to Encourage Children to Love Their Biological Roots
Bringing Adoption Education to School
Teaching young people about a cause they can be passionate about and really make a difference for is setting a healthy foundation for them to build on as they go to college and become contributing members of society.
Is The Term "Gotcha Day" Offensive?
When I first heard it, it totally rubbed me the wrong way. “Gotcha Day” sounds like something out of a Pokemon episode . . . you know the bit: Gotta Catch ‘Em All, POKEMON! If you had asked me this question when I first heard the phrase, I’d have told you that it was definitely offensive.
One Word for Adoption in 2016
It takes each and every one of us to move on behalf of waiting children in order to see change happen. I believe that 2016 is the year to see a real movement begin.
Is Adopted vs. Was Adopted
It’s an argument carried on by adoptees and parents alike, and opinions differ widely. Many people who were adopted believe that their adoptions are a defining characteristic of who they are, while others recognize their adoption as a one-time event, and a less defining aspect of their lives.
Why the #ShoutYourAbortion Campaign Keeps Me Up At Night
Want to have a real discussion about strong women? Then we have to have a discussion about birth mothers. These women, these WARRIORS, wake up every day with their bellies growing a little bit larger. These same warriors looked death in the face when they were given the option to abort their baby. These warriors had the courage to say, “No, I will sacrifice myself so that death will not win.”
7 Things Adoptees Need to Know When Considering Reunification
God has put you in this unique situation because, believe it or not, you can handle it. Without a doubt, it will be trying, but you will learn so much about yourself. Whether or not you choose to reunite with your biological family, the process of processing it will grow you and mold you in ways you never realized you could. Take heart, dear adoptee. You are not alone.