adoptive parents

National Adoption Awareness Month 2017

National Adoption Awareness Month 2017

The first of November marks the beginning of National Adoption Month... but why should you care?

The Introduction Part 3: Meeting My Biological Dad

The Introduction Part 3: Meeting My Biological Dad

My biological dad looked eerily similar to the way he looked in a dream I had as a child.  He was tall with whispy strawberry blonde hair.  His skin had a pink tint to it.  He wore dark wash jeans that fit him well, with a light blue button down shirt and flip-flops. 

6 Ways My Adoptive Parents Supported the Search for My Birth Parents

6 Ways My Adoptive Parents Supported the Search for My Birth Parents

The conversation with my adoptive parents about meeting my birth parents was not an easy one to have. It happened over a span of a lifetime, right up to the day of actually hugging my birth parents for the first time. It’s still a dialogue we keep up with, as they have now re-entered my life as real living beings, instead of this idea I had of who they could be.