Robyn Cisar is a 28-year-old adoptee from the Natural State with a passion for writing.  Since reuniting with her biological family, she’s felt moved to advocate for adoption by connecting with other adoptees, adoptive and biological families.  After earning her Bachelor of Arts degrees in psychology and sociology from the University of Missouri, she moved back to her hometown of Little Rock.  Robyn has stayed involved with the adoption community in central Arkansas by speaking at local foster and adoption support events hosted by non-profit organizations and churches.  She's also spoken to elementary and high school kids about foster care and adoption, as well as the need to introduce adoption education to schools.   She was the 2016 chairperson of Walk for the Waiting, an event that raises awareness about the orphan crisis by building community, raising funds and challenging people to pray for each waiting child.   The event raised more than $250,000 for three of the leading orphan focused non-profits in the state, and gathered more than 1,500 Arkansans to walk on behalf of waiting kids.  Robyn spent 18 months hosting a morning show on the radio and used her platform to elevate voices in the adoption triad. She says she feels called to help bring an end to the orphan crisis by sharing her story and raising awareness.    

Robyn became a mother to August on July 1, 2017. Her daughter, Eden, was born February 8, 2019. In 2020, Robyn and her husband, Daniel, started training to be foster parents. They expect their first placement in the very near future.  Daniel is a high school math teacher for Arkansas Connections Academy and also enjoys woodworking in his spare time.  Robyn is an artist. She draws with ink on paper and manages the family brand, Meditating Images, in her spare time.  
