It's not all glowing skin and pretty bump pictures. I realize I haven't taken the time to sit down and really hash some of this not-so-picture-perfect stuff out. You've been warned: Here goes the most whiny post I've probably ever written.
Baby Girl Blue
God, Master of Plot Twists
I didn't walk into that radio station looking for a job. I walked in there to talk about what God has called me to talk about: adoption and foster care. I walked in there to bring awareness to Walk for the Waiting, and to start a conversation about the orphan crisis going on in our very own backyard. And then, in walks God, opening exquisite doors like that's what He does or something.
Why Adoption on Social Media Bothers Me
Have you ever searched for the word “adoption” on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter? I’d be willing to bet that most of the content you saw was about animal adoption.
For the love of God, I will walk
I am walking for the children who have slipped between the cracks. I am walking for the kids that were forced into the system. I am walking for the children that have lost their hope, the spark in their eyes. I am walking for the ones who ask, “How long will I have to wait for a family?”
5 Ways to Encourage Children to Love Their Biological Roots
The Monday After Daylight Savings
It's the Monday morning after Daylight Savings (the spring forward version most people don't like) and I'm already up writing to you. This begs two questions: What's wrong with me? Why am I already on social media?
The Anti-Morning
You know, one of the writing prompts the My 500 Words challengers sent me was to try waking up early to write. My first reaction was an exasperated snort because you could probably say that I'm the Anti-Morning.
Bringing Adoption Education to School
Teaching young people about a cause they can be passionate about and really make a difference for is setting a healthy foundation for them to build on as they go to college and become contributing members of society.
Nerves, Krumping and No More Waiting
For day 2 of the "My 500 Words" challenge, I am choosing to ignore the prompt that was sent to my inbox to tell you about something much more exciting: my first school speaking engagement!