
One Month of Zero Waste Living

One Month of Zero Waste Living

Here’s a breakdown of the steps we’ve taken over the last 30 days to make our home more eco-friendly.

From Consumer to Conserver: Our Family's Journey to Zero Waste

From Consumer to Conserver: Our Family's Journey to Zero Waste

In addition to opening our home to foster care, we’ve also started the process of making a big lifestyle change: Zero Waste.

Finding God's Message in The Face of Murder and Suicide

Finding God's Message in The Face of Murder and Suicide

I feel like I’ve stood close to death and evil twice in my life: when a family member tried to commit suicide, and more recently- when a loved one was murdered.

God, Master of Plot Twists

God, Master of Plot Twists

 I didn't walk into that radio station looking for a job.  I walked in there to talk about what God has called me to talk about: adoption and foster care.  I walked in there to bring awareness to Walk for the Waiting, and to start a conversation about the orphan crisis going on in our very own backyard.  And then, in walks God, opening exquisite doors like that's what He does or something.  

The Introduction: Part 2

The Introduction: Part 2

The woman who gave me life was finally in my childhood home, and I was at a loss of words and gutted of my tears.  Where do we even begin?  How do I try to recount the years of my life, and how do I respectfully ask the questions that haunted me so?  19 years of separation, basically a lifetime, stood between us and the foundation of our relationship. 

The Question

The Question

As you might have noticed, I’ve been asked a lot of questions about my experience with adoption.  It seems that this blog has become an outlet for answering those questions after years and years of thought.  I think one question I was asked that is probably the most important to answer is: “Why did they just give you away?”